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德国汽车是世界汽车工业上的一朵奇葩,其做工、安全性、舒适度和设计在汽车界处于领先地位,受到世界各国爱车一族的青睐。而德国众多汽车品牌中,我们最熟悉的当属保时捷、宝马、大众、奥迪与奔驰。这五大汽车品牌引领了德国汽车潮流,同时也推动了世界汽车产业的发展。爱车一族对于这五大品牌的商标自然不会陌生,然而其中的深意也许并不为人知。作为历史悠久的成功企业,它们的商标匠心独具,了解商标也是了解企业和品牌的第一步,下文将一一解析。 German car is a wonderful work on the world automobile industry. Its workmanship, safety, comfort and design are leading in the automobile industry and are favored by car owners all over the world. Among the many German car brands, we are most familiar with the Porsche, BMW, Volkswagen, Audi and Mercedes-Benz. The five major car brands lead the trend of the German car, but also to promote the development of the world’s automobile industry. Car owners are naturally familiar with the trademarks of the five major brands, but perhaps the underlying meaning is unknown. As a long-established and successful business, their trademarks are original and understand the trademark is also the first step to understand the business and brand, the following will be analyzed one by one.
目的 观察纯化的蜂毒肽对兔免疫性关节炎的病理过程是否有抑制作用。方法 采用柱层析方法纯化粗制蜂毒 ,以除去具有溶血及化学刺激作用的杂质。纯化物经CD光谱法和荧光光谱
20 0 3年国际恐怖与反恐斗争形势综述 /李 伟 / /国际资料信息 . - 2 0 0 4 ,(1) . - 9- 16美国反恐怖战争第三阶段的政策 /王建平 / /阿拉伯世界 .- 2 0 0 4 ,(2 ) . - 12
目的:探索原儿茶酸(protocatechuicacid,PCA)对脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)诱导的急性肺损伤(acute lung injury,ALI)小鼠的保护作用,探讨其保护机制。方法:将40只昆明小
To turn desert into oasis is the top priority of the water-poor Israel.The country has made miraculous achievements in turning arid land into fertile agricultur
金属配合物磷光材料因为其能同时利用单线态激子和三线态激子,引起了人们广泛关注。聚合物磷光材料(polymer phosphorescent materials,PPMs)同时具备小分子金属配合物的良好
文章主要对福建某地区防洪堤工程建设与土坝填筑施工进行了实施应用,并对施工中的问题提出了有效解决措施。 The article mainly carries out the application and the appl