
来源 :初中生写作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chen_gm
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和所有那个年龄的少年一样,对于远方,当年的父亲心中有着胆怯,更有着无限的憧憬。我无法想象他怎么会有那样的勇气独闯陌生的城市,历经艰辛,四处碰壁,碰到鼻子都歪了,才终于创建了属于自己的小型服装厂。那里的空气中飘飞着灰尘和线头,嗡嗡作响的机器声无孔不入,狠狠地钻进人的耳膜并在其中生根发芽。在那里,连听清别人说话都成了一种奢望,连只待一小会儿都需要争分夺秒,更不必说一天工作十二个小时了,那是常事。可父亲一声不吭,一干就是二十年。之后,他结婚生子,如同浮萍飘絮,几经辗转,终于有了这个家。 Like all the teenagers of that age, there was a timid and far-reaching vision for the distant father. I could not imagine how he would have the courage to go to a strange city, after arduous, run into trouble, hit the nose are crooked, and finally created their own small garment factory. There, the dust and thread drifted through the air, and the buzzing machine went all pervading, fiercely drilling into the human eardrum and taking root in it. There, even listening to other people’s voices has become a luxury, even for a short while will need to race against time, let alone work twelve hours a day, and that is commonplace. But his father did not say anything, that is twenty years. After that, he married and had children, floating like duckweed, after several twists and turns, finally have this home.
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成立于2004年的柳州地税户籍管理中心 (原柳州市地方税务局直属管理局户籍管理站),是柳州市地税部门设置在市行政审批办证大厅的窗口,由5位素质较高,极具亲和力、影响力和创
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