【摘 要】
Aiming at the problems of simulation difficulty and neglect of some physical factors in the dynamic simulation of turbine and its speed governing system, the transfer function and block diagram of the prototype system are used to analyze and study the dynamic characteristics of the system. The dynamic characteristics of the turbine under different conditions are proposed. Simulation of the new method, designed to consider the failure zone, limiting and water hammer effects and other factors analog system block diagram, indicating the realization of simulation methods and effects.
作者手记:王渊的故事我一到波士顿就不断地听人们在讲,她是老留学生下一代中最有出息,也是最令他们自豪的孩子,她也是波士顿乃至全美国华人子女都争相效仿的楷模。关于她的一个最著名的故事就是她在上高中时,为了不放弃中国国籍,而拒绝申领美国总统奖。强烈的好奇心驱使我一定要采访一下这位大名鼎鼎的哈佛女孩。 不愿意来美国 王渊的父母都是高级知识分子,著名的材料学专家。祖籍安徽的父亲王生启是美国西北大
Language is closely related to culture.Whenever you teach a language,you also teach a complex system of culture.Additionally,cultural knowledge facilitates lang
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The interpersonal function means that language can be used to express one’s view about the world,to establish relationships with others,to influence others’be
9月4日,著名女作家陆星儿在上海病逝,年仅55岁。陆星儿早年下放北大荒,1978年考入中央戏剧学院戏剧文学系,此后成为专业作家,一生创作长篇小说4部,中短篇小说集10部、散文集8部,代表作有《灰楼里的童话》、《人在水中》、《女人不天生》。 作家已逝,但其作品散发着永恒的光芒。14万字的《用力呼吸》是陆星儿在病榻上完成的,记录了她面对癌症时的生死抉择和生死感悟。本刊特刊发《用力呼吸》一书的书评,以