在法医检案中 ,因创伤致死的案例较多。而其中由于伤者伤后即送医院抢救 ,在医疗因素的参与下而导致死亡的例数有增多态势 ,而由此产生的嫌疑人过多承担法律责任的问题 ,在法医检案中应引起充分的重视。现将笔者在工作中遇到的 8例报道如下。案 例【案例 1】 某男 ,2 5岁。在
In forensic medical examination, more cases of death due to trauma. Among them, the number of deaths caused by the medical factors has increased due to the casualty being sent to the hospital for medical treatment. The suspicion of excessive suspicion of legal liability should be brought about in forensic medical prosecutions Full attention. Now I encountered in the work of 8 cases reported below. Case [Case 1] a man, 25 years old. in