【防“余额宝”们蚕食--银行电商的守与攻】2014年互联网金融已提前驶入了“马”年。马云2 500亿元的余额宝前脚刚刚马当先,马化腾的微信理财通随之横空出世加以狙击,各种“货币基金宝”、“P2P网贷”跃马扬鞭、万马奔腾。互联网金融对传统金融的冲击究竟有多大,目前尚无法用精确的数据来衡量,而“守擂者”的神经却无法再松弛。为了防止“余额宝”们进步蚕食活期存款,银行始“师夷长技以制夷”。虽然银行先行者还没有探出多少路来,但是越来越多的银行表示将加入这场触电大潮。
[Prevention “balance treasure ” are eaten - Bank e-commerce keep and attack] in 2014 Internet finance has advanced into the “horse” year. Ma 2,500 billion balance of the treasure just before the horse, the Ma Weiteng WeChat financial success with the advent of a variety of attacks, a variety of “Monetary Fund Po”, “P2P net loan” Pentium. The impact of Internet finance on traditional finance is far from being measured by accurate data, and the nerves of “defending the tyrant” can not be loosened any more. In order to prevent “the balance of treasure ” who have eroded current deposits, the bank Although the number of pioneers of banks has not yet explored how many ways, but more and more banks said they will join the tide of electric shock.