Madeleine Albright., Cindy Marler/Hollandse Hoogte-Redux
When I was America’s biggest diplomat, I made a really bad mistake. This is how it happened.
In 1999, President Clinton, Defense Secretary William Cohen, and I were in a room together, celebrating the 50th anniversary of NATO. It was a completely accidental thing; we were just sitting and joking around, and we pretended to be the “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” monkeys. I then decided to go out and buy three monkey pins. A year later, President Clinton and I were going to Moscow for a summit. I was appalled at the brutality of Russian military actions in Chechnya. I thought they were evil. So I wore the three monkey pins to our meeting with President Vladimir Putin.
编者注:1. Defense Secretary:国防部长,等于Secretary of Defense。E.g. William Cohen served as Secretary of Defense from 1977 to 2001 under Democratic President Bill Clinton.
2. NATO:北大西洋公约组织。(简称北约,North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
3. accidental:结合大纲词汇accident记忆。
4. appal:If something appals you, it disgusts you because it seems so bad or unpleasant.
5. brutality:Brutality is cruel and violent treatment or behaviour.
6. Chechnya:车臣共和国。
7. Vladimir Putin:俄罗斯前总统普京。
I began wearing pins to signal my mood when I was ambassador to the United Nations. We had sanctions on Iraq then, and I was instructed to keep saying terrible things about Saddam Hussein. In response, he published a poem in the newspaper comparing me to an unparalleled serpent. I had a snake pin, so I decided to wear it. When the press asked me why I was wearing the pin, I said, “Because Saddam Hussein compared me to an unparalleled serpent.” And I thought, “Well, this is fun,” and I went out and bought a bunch of costume jewelry that I thought would reflect what would happen on any given day. So, on good days I’d wear butterflies and flowers and balloons. On bad days I’d wear insects. There was a time, for instance, when I was in talks with the Russians that we discovered a listening device — a bug — in one of the conference rooms outside my office at the State Department. The next time I met with the Russians, I wore a huge bug pin.
编者注:1. mood:Your mood is the way you are feeling at a particular time. If you are in a good mood, you feel cheerful. If you are in a bad mood, you feel angry and impatient.
2. 驻联合国大使,介词用to,ambassador to the United Nations。
3. sanction:制裁。
4. Iraq:伊拉克。
5. Saddam Hussein:前伊拉克总统萨达姆•侯赛因,终年69岁。
6. unparalleled:If you describe something as unparalleled, you are emphasizing that it is, for example, bigger, better, or worse than anything else of its kind, or anything that has happened before.
7. A serpent is a snake. (LITERARY) E.g. The serpent in the Garden of Eden.
8. costume jewelry:also called fake jewelry.
9. for instance:= for example.
10. bug:这里指窃听器。
11. State Department:United States Department of State,美国国务院,现任国务卿是希拉里•克林顿 (Hillary Clinton)。
But it was a big mistake to wear those monkey pins to see President Putin. As we walked in, he turned to President Clinton and said, “We always watch what pins Secretary Albright is wearing.” President Putin then turned to me and asked, “Why are you wearing those monkeys?” I said, “Because of your Chechnya policy.” President Putin became furious with me. It was then I realized I’d gone too far. Fortunately, it did not affect the important discussion he and President Clinton had. I didn’t apologize, but I learned that sometimes you can overstep a little bit, that in a really serious situation, with somebody who may not have the same sense of humor, you can go too far.
编者注:1. furious:Someone who is furious is extremely angry.
Biographical Sketch|人物速写
Madeleine Korbel Albright
祖籍捷克,美国外交官,美国第64任国务卿(1997年1月23日 – 2001年1月20日),现为乔治敦大学埃德蒙•A•沃尔什外交服务学院教授。
母校:威尔士利学院 约翰霍普金斯大学 哥伦比亚大学
Madeleine Albright., Cindy Marler/Hollandse Hoogte-Redux
When I was America’s biggest diplomat, I made a really bad mistake. This is how it happened.
In 1999, President Clinton, Defense Secretary William Cohen, and I were in a room together, celebrating the 50th anniversary of NATO. It was a completely accidental thing; we were just sitting and joking around, and we pretended to be the “See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil” monkeys. I then decided to go out and buy three monkey pins. A year later, President Clinton and I were going to Moscow for a summit. I was appalled at the brutality of Russian military actions in Chechnya. I thought they were evil. So I wore the three monkey pins to our meeting with President Vladimir Putin.
编者注:1. Defense Secretary:国防部长,等于Secretary of Defense。E.g. William Cohen served as Secretary of Defense from 1977 to 2001 under Democratic President Bill Clinton.
2. NATO:北大西洋公约组织。(简称北约,North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
3. accidental:结合大纲词汇accident记忆。
4. appal:If something appals you, it disgusts you because it seems so bad or unpleasant.
5. brutality:Brutality is cruel and violent treatment or behaviour.
6. Chechnya:车臣共和国。
7. Vladimir Putin:俄罗斯前总统普京。
I began wearing pins to signal my mood when I was ambassador to the United Nations. We had sanctions on Iraq then, and I was instructed to keep saying terrible things about Saddam Hussein. In response, he published a poem in the newspaper comparing me to an unparalleled serpent. I had a snake pin, so I decided to wear it. When the press asked me why I was wearing the pin, I said, “Because Saddam Hussein compared me to an unparalleled serpent.” And I thought, “Well, this is fun,” and I went out and bought a bunch of costume jewelry that I thought would reflect what would happen on any given day. So, on good days I’d wear butterflies and flowers and balloons. On bad days I’d wear insects. There was a time, for instance, when I was in talks with the Russians that we discovered a listening device — a bug — in one of the conference rooms outside my office at the State Department. The next time I met with the Russians, I wore a huge bug pin.
编者注:1. mood:Your mood is the way you are feeling at a particular time. If you are in a good mood, you feel cheerful. If you are in a bad mood, you feel angry and impatient.
2. 驻联合国大使,介词用to,ambassador to the United Nations。
3. sanction:制裁。
4. Iraq:伊拉克。
5. Saddam Hussein:前伊拉克总统萨达姆•侯赛因,终年69岁。
6. unparalleled:If you describe something as unparalleled, you are emphasizing that it is, for example, bigger, better, or worse than anything else of its kind, or anything that has happened before.
7. A serpent is a snake. (LITERARY) E.g. The serpent in the Garden of Eden.
8. costume jewelry:also called fake jewelry.
9. for instance:= for example.
10. bug:这里指窃听器。
11. State Department:United States Department of State,美国国务院,现任国务卿是希拉里•克林顿 (Hillary Clinton)。
But it was a big mistake to wear those monkey pins to see President Putin. As we walked in, he turned to President Clinton and said, “We always watch what pins Secretary Albright is wearing.” President Putin then turned to me and asked, “Why are you wearing those monkeys?” I said, “Because of your Chechnya policy.” President Putin became furious with me. It was then I realized I’d gone too far. Fortunately, it did not affect the important discussion he and President Clinton had. I didn’t apologize, but I learned that sometimes you can overstep a little bit, that in a really serious situation, with somebody who may not have the same sense of humor, you can go too far.
编者注:1. furious:Someone who is furious is extremely angry.
Biographical Sketch|人物速写
Madeleine Korbel Albright
祖籍捷克,美国外交官,美国第64任国务卿(1997年1月23日 – 2001年1月20日),现为乔治敦大学埃德蒙•A•沃尔什外交服务学院教授。
母校:威尔士利学院 约翰霍普金斯大学 哥伦比亚大学