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新春,收到程亚男馆长赠书《流动的风景——图书馆之旅》。程亚男馆长是深圳乃至中国公共图书馆界的风云人物,前些年,程亚男馆长在她年富力强、最能干事的年龄早早退休,离开了她精心打造的南山区图书馆。许多人替她感到惋惜。没有想到的是,程馆长退休后的图书馆学术生涯更加精彩了。《流动的风景》这部书,就是程馆长近年精彩学术人生中的一笔彩绘。从20多年前进入图书馆领域起,就不断听人说起程亚男这个名字。近年来也有幸见过几次面。这20多年所有来自接触或来自朋友交谈的印象集合到一起,简单地说,她是一个完美的人。这种完美表现在她的性格中,是进取与恬淡的统一,表现到她的书中,就是优美与“直白”的行文风格。程亚男的书,新颖的观点比比皆是,绝不亚于某些看似高深的大部头论著。因为直白,她的书也许无法用“博大精深”来形容,也不特别适合写学术论文的人案头阅读。书中少了些刻板的学究式的认证,往往使人无法按照现行“学术规范”大段地引用其中的论述。这样的书,似乎更适合带着去旅行。在轻松惬意的环境中,随意地翻出一段来读,似听一位朋友娓娓地叙说着她对于图书馆问题的见闻与见解。听罢,在途中,让自己有足够的时间去享受、领悟或思考。读完《流动的风景》,王宗义副主编和我都有一种书评的冲动。但没等几天,我们不得不抑制自己的冲动了。因为我们先后收到了孙蓓欣馆长和程焕文教授的书评。我想,也许程亚男和她的书,本身就像是一道流动的风景。看到这美丽风景的人,不论是很少写书评的孙蓓欣,还是被期末事务忙得一塌糊涂的程焕文,难免都会有一种冲动,使他们放下手中的事,来评说这道风景。正在图书馆之旅的朋友们,如果你愿意“带一部书去旅行”(孙蓓欣语),“追逐流动的风景”(程焕文语),不妨尝试读读程亚男。 In the spring, I received a gift from the curator Cheng Ya Men, “The Flowing Landscape - A Journey to the Library.” Director Cheng Ya-men is a man in the public library field in Shenzhen and even in China. A few years ago, Curator Ya-Nan Cheng retired early in her prime of life as a young and capable officer and left her carefully crafted Nanshan District Library. Many people feel sorry for her. Unexpectedly, after the reign of Cheng Long’s library academic career even more exciting. “Flowing Landscape” This book is a painting painted in his wonderful academic life in recent years. From more than 20 years ago into the field of libraries, we continue to listen to people talk about the name of Cheng Ya Men. In recent years, I have the honor to see a few times. For more than 20 years, all the impressions from contact or from conversations with friends have been brought together. In a nutshell, she is a perfect person. This perfect performance in her character, is enterprising and tranquil unity, manifested in her book, that is beautiful and “straightforward” style of writing. Cheng Ya-nan’s book, novel ideas abound, never inferior to some seemingly profound bulk theory. Because straightforward, her book may not be “broad and profound” to describe, nor particularly suitable for writing academic papers desk. The lack of some formal academic certification in the book often makes it impossible to cite a large section of the discourse in accordance with the current “academic norms.” Such a book seems more suitable to travel with. In a relaxed and comfortable environment, casually pulls out a period of time to read, it seems to listen to a friend narrate her knowledge and insights on the library issues. Listen, on the way, so that they have enough time to enjoy, comprehend or think. After reading the “Flowing Landscape,” Wang Zongyi, the deputy editor and I have a book review impulse. However, without waiting for a few days, we had to restrain our impulses. Because we have received a book review by Professor Sun Beixin and Professor Cheng Huanwen. I think perhaps Cheng Ya Nan and her book, itself is like a flowing landscape. People who see this beautiful scenery, whether it is Sun Beixin, who seldom writes books, or Cheng Huanwen, who is in a mess by the end of the year, will inevitably have an impulse to let them put aside their things to comment on this scene. If you are willing to “take a book to travel” (Sun Bei Xin language), “chase the flow of scenery” (Cheng Hwan Wen language), may wish to try to read Cheng Asian men.
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