目的分析1986-2015年墨脱县疟疾疫情流行特点,为消除疟疾提供参考依据。方法收集1986-2015年墨脱县人口资料及疟疾疫情报告资料,采用描述流行病学方法进行统计分析。结果 1986-2015年,墨脱县累计报告疟疾病例2 328例,年平均发病率为78.34/万,病死率为0.47%。2 328例均为本地感染间日疟病例。1986-1994年全县疟疾病例报告逐年增加,1994年发病率高达320.04/万,为最高峰,之后呈现逐年下降趋势。2015年墨脱县仍有7例本地感染间日疟病例报告。病例的季节分布明显,主要集中在7-10月,占总病例数的67.10%。报告的病例中95.27%分布在墨脱县的墨脱镇、德兴乡、背崩乡和达木乡。青壮年发病为主,15~59岁年龄段发病人数占病例总数的76.12%。病例男女性别比为1.70∶1。职业分布以农民为主(63.63%)。93.17%病例属门巴族。结论墨脱县为全国疟疾发病率最高的县,仍有本地感染疟疾病例,需实施以控制传染源为主的综合防治措施,加强县乡级的疟疾防控人员的专业培训,有效控制疟疾的流行,达到国家消除疟疾标准。
Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of malaria in Medog County from 1986 to 2015 and provide reference for eliminating malaria. Methods The data of population information and malaria epidemic situation in Medog County from 1986 to 2015 were collected, and the descriptive epidemiological method was used for statistical analysis. Results From 1986 to 2015, a total of 2 328 malaria cases were reported in Medog County, with an average annual incidence of 78.34 / million and a case fatality rate of 0.47%. 2 328 were locally infected with Plasmodium vivax. The report on malaria in the whole county increased from 1986 to 1994, and the incidence in 1994 was as high as 320.04 / million, the highest since then, showing a declining trend afterwards. There are still seven reported cases of native Plasmodium vivax in Medog in 2015. The seasonal distribution of cases is obvious, mainly in July-October, accounting for 67.10% of the total number of cases. 95.27% of the reported cases are located in Medog town, Dexing town, Beibeng town and Damu town in Medog county. The main onset of young adults, 15 to 59 age group accounted for 76.12% of the total number of cases. The male / female ratio of cases was 1.70: 1. Occupation is dominated by farmers (63.63%). 93.17% of cases belong to Menba. Conclusion Medog County is the country with the highest incidence of malaria in the country. There are still some local cases of malaria infection. Comprehensive prevention and control measures based on controlling the source of infection are needed. Specialized training should be given to malaria prevention and control personnel at county and township levels to effectively control malaria. Pop, reach the national malaria elimination standards.