悬崖菊以其接近自然生态,繁花密集,绚丽多姿,热烈奔放而深受人们喜爱。但其培养时间长,技术要求高,操作过程复杂,加之,养护困难,常在展出时叶枯花萎,影响观赏效果。我们在悬崖菊传统栽培技术基础上,在简化栽培、方便养护方面做了些尝试,取得了较好的效果。简介如下:一、菊苗选育选生长健壮、茎干坚韧长伸、分枝性强、花径3cm 左右、舌状花瓣1—3轮的品种栽培,菊苗选母株根茎下部远离老根、长势茁壮、丰满抱头的幼苗,3月下旬即上2寸盆。或用健壮幼苗扦插获得。二、整形菊苗高20cm 左右时开始整形。选晴天中午,菊茎韧性强时进行。轻捻菊
Cliff Chrysanthemum close to its natural ecology, flowers dense, colorful, warm and imaginative and loved by the people. However, its cultivation for a long time, high technical requirements, the operation is complicated, in addition, conservation difficulties, often displayed when the withered leaf blight, affecting the viewing effect. Based on the traditional cultivation techniques of cliff daisy, we made some attempts to simplify the cultivation and facilitate conservation, and achieved good results. Brief introduction is as follows: First, the selection of growth and development of jujube seedling selection, robust stem elongation, strong branching, flower diameter of about 3cm, 1-3 varieties of tongue petals cultivated, jujube seedlings roots rhizomes away from the roots, growth Sturdy, plump Baotou seedlings, in late March that is 2-inch pots. Or cuttings with robust seedlings get. Second, plastic chrysanthemum about 20cm high start shaping. Selected sunny noon, daisy stem toughness carried out. Light twist daisy