为了探讨人工林的培育方向和国营林场集约经营问题。近年来,国内一些林场按照林木工艺成熟的理论,开展了定向培育,缩短采伐期的试验。我区从1983年开始,在赤峰市喀喇沁旗的旺业甸林场进行了二年落叶松人工林短轮伐期试验,现将有关情况介绍如下: 一、短轮伐期的试验情况旺业甸林场从1983年起,连续进行了两年人工落叶松林短轮伐期的试验。1984年在美林营林区椴木沟搞了110亩的试验。采伐前林分的平均树高12米,平均胸径14厘米,
In order to discuss the cultivation direction of plantations and intensive management of state-owned forest farms. In recent years, some domestic forest farms in accordance with the theory of tree maturity, carried out directional cultivation, shortening the harvest period of the experiment. My district since 1983, in Chifeng City Kalaqin flag Wang Yundian forestry farm for two years of short rotation trial of larch plantation, the situation is as follows: First, the short rotation of the test conditions flourishing The Yeardian Forest Farm has been carrying out a two-year trial of short rotation of artificial larch forests since 1983. In 1984 in the forest Lin Lin Muli engage in 110 acres of trial. The mean tree height before harvesting was 12 m and the average diameter at breast height was 14 cm.