浙江温州市会计学会主办的温州市会计函授学校,在短短四年内,不化国家一分钱,培育出大批人才.目前在学学员2.4万人,遍布全国廿九个省市.这所函授学校,治学有方,办出了自己的特色: ——教材由14位专职教师自编,经行家审定.内容紧密结合经济改革中的新问题、新政策、新规定,文字简明,理论与实务并重,并逐届应时修订. ——在全国设有100多个面授辅导站,向当地有关主管局特聘180多位会计师和老教师担任辅导. 凡学员来信,有问必答.不仅解答讲义中的疑难,也解答日常工作中碰到的问题. ——聘请116名行家负责批改作业,对带普遍性的问题,还印发作业讲评,引起普遍重视. 四年中,经考试成绩合格拿到该校结业证书的学员近万人.今年秋季第八届开设的课程计有
Zhejiang Wenzhou City Accounting Association Wenzhou correspondence accounting correspondence school, in just four years, not the country a penny, cultivate a large number of talents.At present, there are 24,000 students studying in all over the country, 29 provinces and cities.This correspondence school , Learning well, do its own characteristics: - Textbooks by 14 full-time teachers, approved by the experts.Content of economic reform, new issues, new policies, new regulations, concise text, both theory and practice , And should be revised from time to time. - There are over 100 face-to-face counseling stations in the country and more than 180 specially appointed accountants and teachers in charge of local offices as counselors. Of the problems, but also to solve the problems encountered in their daily work.-hired 116 experts responsible for correcting homework, with a general issue, but also issued a job comment, causing widespread attention .In four years, after passing the examination scores to get Nearly ten thousand students have completed the certificate of graduation