F Square简介F Square成立于2003年4月,几个热情洋溢的女孩在学校领导和老师的大力支持下,聘请了学校专业的舞蹈教练,并聚集了一群有着共同爱好的女孩,组建起了F Square健美操协会。协会在“For you forever”的宗旨下不断地发展进步,经历了短短几个春秋,社团就通过参加各种比赛和演出发展成了今天这个具有一定规模的团体。如今,F Square女生部已经是一个拥有150多位美眉,包括一个精英班和一个普及班两
About F Square F Square, founded in April 2003, with passionate support from school leaders and teachers, several passionate girls hired school-based dance coaches and brought together a group of girls with common interests to set up F Square Aerobics Association. Under the principle of “For you forever ”, the Association continuously develops and progresses. After a few years of Spring and Autumn, the association has developed into a group with a certain scale by participating in various competitions and performances. Nowadays, the F Square girls’ department is already one with more than 150 crush, including an elite class and a popular class two