患者男,70岁。30年前无明显原因出现左侧阴囊肿物,有坠胀感,初肿物质软、无皮肤破溃,呈逐渐增大趋势。近半年来肿物显著增大如拳头大小,质地变硬伴有皮肤破溃。体检:左侧阴囊内可扪及一实性肿块,质硬,边界清,透光试验(-),无压痛,肿物皮肤表面可见两处溃疡,伴有脓性渗出。超声检查:左侧睾丸内见一不均质低回声光团伴钙化。MRI检查:平扫示左侧睾丸明显肿大,大小约6.4 cm×
Patient male, 70 years old. 30 years ago, no obvious reasons for the left scrotal tumor, a sense of bulge, swelling of the material soft, no skin ulceration, showed a gradual increase. The past six months, a significant increase in the size of the fist, hard texture with skin ulceration. Physical examination: the left scrotum palpable solid mass, hard, clear boundary, light transmission test (-), no tenderness, the surface of the tumor visible two ulcers, accompanied by purulent exudation. Ultrasonography: In the left testes see an inhomogeneous hypoechoic with calcification. MRI examination: Plain scan left testes significantly enlarged, size of about 6.4 cm ×