从数据库标示和字段组成角度出发,并结合实际检索经验,讨论Sci Finder Web数据库的主题检索策略和技巧。在应用Sci Finder Web进行主题检索过程中,应首先在相对宽泛的条件下进行检索,通过浏览初步的检索结果记录,明晰数据库对检索主题的解读,并发现数据的标引策略和规范表达,根据对检索结果的解读不断调整检索策略,最终达到检索目的。此外,在进行主题检索时还应特别注意CAPLUS与MEDLINE对文献记录的标引差异,从而避免漏检。
Based on the database marking and field composition, combined with the actual retrieval experience, the topic retrieval strategies and techniques of Sci Finder Web database are discussed. In the process of using the Sci-Finder Web to carry out thematic retrieval, we should first search under a relatively broad range of conditions, browse through the preliminary records of the retrieval results, clarify the database interpretation of the retrieval subject, and find out the data indexing strategy and standard expression, Interpretation of the search results continue to adjust the search strategy, and ultimately to retrieve the purpose. In addition, special attention should be paid to the indexing differences between CAPLUS and MEDLINE in the subject retrieval so as to avoid undetected.