理查德·奥温 ( Richard Owen,1 80 4~ 1 892 )英国解剖学先驱 ,博物学家。奥温 1 82 4年进入英国爱丁堡医科学校学习 ,1 82 6年成为皇家外科学会会员 ,并成为Hunterian博物馆标本保管人。 1 82 6年他担任 Hunteri-an学院比较解剖学和生理学教授。他是达尔文同时代的著名学者
Richard Owen (1880-1982) British Anatomy pioneer, naturalist. In 1942 he entered the Edinburgh Medical School in England and became a member of the Royal Society of Surgeons in 1862 and became the custodian of the specimens of the Hunterian Museum. In 1982 he was Professor of Comparative Anatomy and Physiology at Hunteri-an College. He is a famous scholar of Darwin’s time