破除“官本位” 推进机构改革

来源 :菏泽师专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytfonrt
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在党的十五大和九届人大一次会议中,机构改革作为政治体制改革重要一环重新提到议事日程,成为万众瞩目的焦点。近年来,机构改革一度陷入了“精简——膨胀—一再精简—一再膨胀”的怪圈,严重的“吃饭财政”致使科技、教育经费捉襟见肘,危害至深。因此,下决心花大力气打好这一攻坚战刻不容缓。本文所要着重探讨的是困扰我国机构改革的一大难题:“官本位”。 In the first meeting of the 15th CPC National Congress and the Ninth National People’s Congress, institutional reform, as an important part of the political restructuring, has been re-mentioned to the agenda and has become the focus of much attention. In recent years, the institutional reform was once caught up in a vicious circle of “streamlining - inflation - streamlining again and again - expanding again and again”. The serious “food finance” has caused the scarcity of funds for science and technology and education. Therefore, it is urgent to make great efforts to lay a solid foundation for this tough fight. What we should focus on in this article is one of the major problems plaguing the institutional reform in our country: “Official Standard.”
本文论述了冷轧机高精度板形控制策略和手段。重点介绍了Davy板形控制控制原理,执行机构;高精度板形控制手段。 This article discusses the cold rolling mill high-precis
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In order to solve the performance limitations of traditional ship-type and cylindrical FDPSO(floating drilling production, storage and offloading unit), we pres