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  这篇用词铿锵、掷地有声的演说辞,是3个人的心血结晶。其中,有记者出身的戈尔本人,有戈尔的策略顾问罗伯特·索伦,但人们都把目光放在戈尔的首席演说撰稿人艾里·阿提(Elli Attie身上。阿提是哈佛大学毕业生,长期以来是克林顿、民主党众议院领袖格普哈特等重量级政治人物的一级“写手”。及后选战起风云,戈尔将他拉到麾下,声势立时不同凡响。本刊在此独家刊登戈尔这篇将千古不朽的“认输讲话”(原载于港报),读者可从这中英文对照的精彩文章中细细领略英文写作的典范笔法,包括其整个运筹帷幄的立意、精妙的造词用句等。
  good evening.
  just moments agoi spoke with george .w.bush and congratulated him on becoming the 43rd president of the united statesand i promised him that i wouldn't call him back this time.
  i offered to meet with him as soon as possible so that we can start to heal the divisons of the campaign and the contest through which we just passed.
  almost a century and a half ago senator stephen douglas told abraham lincolnwho had just defeated him for the presidency“partisan feeling must yield to patriotismi’m with you mr.president  and god bless you.”
  well in that same spirit i say to president-elect bush that what remains of partisan rancor must now be put aside  and may god bless his stewardship of this country.
  neither he nor i anticipated this long and difficult road. Certainly neither of us wanted it to happen. Yet it cameand now it has ended resolved as it must be resolvedthrough the honored institutions of our democracy.
  over the library of one of our great law schools is inscribed the motto “not under man but under god and law.”that’s the ruling principle of american freedomthe source of our democratic liberties. I’ve tried to make it my guide throughout this contest as it has guided america’s deliberations of all the complex issues of the past five weeks.
  now the u.s supreme court has spoken. Let there be no doubt while i strongly disagree with the court's decision i accept it. I accept the finality of this outcome which will be ratified next monday in the electoral college and tonight for the sake of our unity as a people and the strength of our democracy  i offer my concession.
  i also accept my responsibilitywhich i will discharge unconditionally  to honor the new president-elect and do everything possible to help him bring americans together in fulfillment of the great vision that our declaration of independence defines and that our constitution affirms and defends.
  let me say how grateful i am to all those who supported me and supported the cause for which we have fought.tipper and i feel a deep gratitude to joe and hadassah lieberman who brought passion and high purpose to our partnership and opened new doorsnot just for our campaign but for our country.
  this has been an extraordinary election. But in one of god’s unforeseen paths this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new common ground  for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny.
  indeed  that history gives us many examples of contests as hotly debatedas fiercely fought with their own challenges to the popular will.
  other disputes have dragged on for weeks before reaching resolution.and each time both the victor and the vanquished have accepted the result peacefully and in the spirit of reconciliation.
  so let it be with us.
  i know that many of my supporters are disappointed.i am too . But our disappointment must be overcome by our love of country.
  and i say to our fellow members of the world community let no one see this contest as a sign of american weaknessthe strength of american democracy is shown most clearly through the difficulties it can overcome.
  some have expressed concern that the unusual nature of this election might hamper the next president in the conduct of his office. I do not believe it need be so.
  president-elect bush inherits a nation whose citizens will be ready to assist him in the conduct of his large responsibilities.
  i personally will be at his disposaland i call on all americans -i particularly urge all who stood with us to unite being our next president. This is america. Just as we fight hard when the stakes are highwe close ranks and come together when the contest is done.
  and while there will be time enough to debate our continuing differencesnow is the time to recognize that that which unites us is greater than that which divides us.
  while we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefsthere is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party.this is america and we put country before party.we will stand together behind our new president.
  as for what i’ll do nexti don’t know the answer to that one yet . Like many of you i’m looking forward to spending the holidays with family and old friends.i know i’ll spend time in tennessee and mend some fencesliterally and figuratively.
  some have asked whether i have any regrets and i do have one regret that i didn’t get the chance to stay and fight for the american people over the next four years especially for those who need burdens lifted and barriers removedespecially for those who feel their voices have not been heard i heard you and i will not forget.
  i’ve seen america in this campaign and i like what i see. It’s worth fighting for and that’s a fight i’ll never stop.
  as for the battle that ends tonight  i do believe as my father once said  that on matter how hard the lossdefeat might serve as well as victory to shape the soul and let the glory out.
  so for me this campaign ends as it beganwith the love of tipper and our family with faith in god and in the country i have been so proud to servefrom vietnam to the vice presidencyand with gratitude to our truly tireless campaign staff and volunteersincluding all those who worked so hard in florida for the last 36 days.
  now the political struggle is over and we turn again to the unending struggle for the common good of all americans and for those multitudes around the world who look to us for leadership in the cause of freedom.
  in the words of our great hymn“america  america”“let us crown thy good with brotherhoodfrom sea to shining sea.”
  and now my friends in a phrase i once addressed to othersit’s time for me to go.
  thank you and good nightand god bless america .
63岁的萨达姆去年12月在巴格达主持军事检阅,向天放枪。今年1月17日是海湾战争爆发10周年纪念日,萨达姆(小图)在电视上向全国发表讲话。  编者按:今年1月,国际社会众媒体又开足马力,把伊拉克总统萨达姆炒作一番。跟以往一样,它们又是捡萨达姆“患病”做文章,就在盛传萨达姆病入膏肓、岌岌可危的时候,这位中东强人却又神气活现地出现在世人面前,着着实实又把西方媒体和政府涮了一把。中东强人和西方传媒“斗法
台北当局宣布元旦起正式实施小三通,我乘坐特别安排的快艇,从厦门首次踏上这个改变两岸历史的小岛(金门)。我比小三通提前4天,于2000年12月28日实现了“两门直航”心愿,兴奋不已。  这一天,厦门海域风平浪静,阳光普照,把金厦两地的一草一木照得清清楚楚。早上9时45分,我们一行乘船离开厦门,不到15分钟,金门的几个岛屿即已在视野之内,先是大担、二担,然后是小金门、大金门。    大小金门山水尽收眼
小布什在忙于竞选时,老布什也没有闲着。哪怕是在佛罗里达州与西班牙国王卡洛斯打猎时,仍用租来的无线电话与大选前方保持联络。朋友们戏称:在外交政策上乔治·布什简直就是儿子的“音箱”。儿子胜出后,面对《新闻周刊》记者约翰·米查姆,看看老布什怎么说。  问:您对大选结果有何看法?  答:结果让人鼓舞,但仍无法摆脱随之而来的巨大压力。大选的胜利离不开大家,但我们仍为儿子所做的一切感到骄傲。  问:当选总统意
非华人唱中文歌    去年中文流行乐坛一下子出现了好些“非华人”歌手,纷纷唱起中文歌,大肆攻略中文唱片市场。其中就有泰国的“单眼皮女生”中国娃娃和“小林志颖”Tae,还有日本小女生川岛茉树代(Makiyo。  2001年,百代唱片公司在台湾推出Beauty4——由两个美国人、一个台湾黑珍珠,和一个美国华裔组成的四人美少女组合。  21岁的美国华裔贝儿出生美国南加州、19岁的茱儿则是出生台北板桥的
格罗兹尼是俄罗斯车臣共和国的首府,在经过一年多战火的洗礼之后,法国《巴黎竞赛画报》的记者再一次来到这个城市,向世人讲述了他们眼中的格罗兹尼。    一个正在慢慢死去的城市    巨大的乌云笼罩在格罗兹尼上空。一股浓烟从燃烧的油井口喷出,在铅色的天空下久久不能散去。在列宁大街,一连串邮筒静静矗立在雨中,渐渐生锈,格罗兹尼不通邮已经一年有余。在大街一栋建筑里,49岁的英文教授扎哈·高察哈耶娃由于害怕不
在德黑兰街头是一幅令人震惊的景象:许多眼睛青肿的女性,脸上裹着绷带头上披着黑色头巾或是戴着长可及地的面纱走在路上。她们是内乱的受害者吗?还是给城市里疯狂的司机撞伤了?别担心,她们只不过是做了隆鼻或面部拉皮的手术罢了。整形外科在德黑兰很受欢迎,因为女性在公共场所只能把手和脸露出来,所以她们只得尽力装扮这些部分。     活在男人的胯下    在伊朗,女性可以与男性一起工作,却不能与不相识的男性交
走进世界各地高级商场内,都可以看到传递高雅和美丽信息的雅诗兰黛专柜。这个全美第一的化妆品牌,是由雅诗兰黛夫人于1946年创立的。雅诗兰黛是20世纪坚强的美容界巨人,是美国化妆品工业的开创先锋之一。在她和丈夫及长子雷纳德的努力下,雅诗兰黛自创立将近半个世纪来一直引导世界流行时尚,品种已由原来的4个扩展为今天的1000多个,为各国女性缔造了美丽的奇迹。  随着21世纪的到来,雅诗兰黛家族的第三代成员正
看见她秀发如云,烟视媚行,也许你会忘了她满脸雀斑与一双微微 乜的斗鸡眼;看见她鹞子翻身,势如闪电,也许你会忘了她的身高只有1.55米;看见她自信满满,硬炒绯闻就是红,你更会忘了她的血缘来自一个温良恭俭让的国度。  她是《霹雳娇娃》中最亮眼的“娇娃”、《艾莉的异想世界》中最受欢迎的人物“吴玲”、《危险人物》中能把梅尔·吉布森揍趴下的“虐待女王珍珠”。她扮演的角色都是好莱坞最冷、最狠又最野的女人。
当英国建成全世界最高的摩天轮“伦敦眼”时,也许没想到它会成为各种示威抗议活动的“阵地”。在近一年的时间里,它那居高临下得天独后的优势,已先后3次被示威者相中作为战斗的“堡垒”,因为这样能轻而易举地吸引更多人关注他们。2000年12月21日, “伦敦眼”再次受到库尔德族人的“青睐”——抗议土耳其军警近日攻占监狱和苛待政治犯造成22人致死,其中大部分是囚犯。而这一次,600名游客也免费经历了一幕“眼”
“招花引蝶”的人起码也应是自由身吧?犯人也可以吗?答案是“可以”:这世界上的确有身受刑罚,却每日自由自在地捕捉蝴蝶的犯人,而且还有大笔收入。那就是在菲律宾的爱华伊格监狱,每位囚犯都有资格赢得“捕蝶人”的美名。    盛产蝴蝶的天然监狱    爱华伊格监狱位于热带丛林的中心地区,生长着约600种蝴蝶,其中包括许多稀有品种,这些蝴蝶深受外国收藏家的青睐,有些品种一只可卖到300美元。从菲律宾首都马尼拉