《中华人民共和国水土保持法》是我国又一部保护自然资源的重要法规。《水保法》的颁布标志着我国水土保持工作进入了法制的轨道。依法加强水土流失的预防和治理,对水土流失特别严重的陕西省是一项非常重要和十分紧迫的任务。在宣传贯彻《水保法》的活动中,我们要做好以下四方面的工作。(一)充分认识贯彻《水保法》的重要性和迫切性我省是全国水土流失最严重的省份之一,水土流失总面积达13.7万 km~2,约占全省总面积的67%,全省每年流失土壤9.12亿 t,其中入黄泥沙8亿 t 窟野河流域侵蚀模数高达3万 t/年·km~2,为世界罕见。水土流失使耕地不断减少,特别在陕南的个别地方由于严重
The Law of Soil and Water Conservation of the People’s Republic of China is another important law in our country for the protection of natural resources. The promulgation of the “Soil and Water Conservation Law” symbolized that China’s soil and water conservation work has entered the track of legal system. Strengthening prevention and management of soil erosion in accordance with the law is a very important and very urgent task for Shaanxi Province, where soil erosion is particularly serious. In propaganda and implementation of the “Soil and Water Conservation Law” activities, we should do the following four aspects of the work. (A) fully understand the importance and urgency of implementing the “Soil and Water Conservation Law” The province is one of the provinces with the most serious soil erosion, with a total area of 137,000km ~ 2, accounting for about 67% of the total area of the province. , The province lost 912 million tons of soil each year, of which 800 million tons into the Yellow River Kudong River Basin erosion modulus up to 30,000 t / year · km ~ 2, rare in the world. Soil and water loss keeps decreasing arable land, especially in some places in southern Shaanxi due to seriousness