中法两国分别是东西方具有深 厚文化底蕴的大国,两国互办文化 年对加强中法文化交流、推动中西 文化的融合和共同发展具有深远的 意义。2003年10月6日在巴黎拉开 帷幕的中法文化年,是中法两国领 导人2001年倡导的两国互办文化年 计划的具体实施,也是中国文化首 次系统走向西方国家的重要尝试。 文化是科技进步的母体,是经 济社会发展的先声。历史发展的轨 迹表明,文化影响着科技的生成、发 展和传播,影响着科技创新的进程 和结果。一个时代文化的进步必然 包容那个时代科技发展和创新的成
China and France are great powers with profound cultural heritage from both East and West respectively. It is of far-reaching significance to strengthen the cultural exchanges between China and France and promote the integration and common development of Chinese and Western cultures. The year of Sino-French Culture, which was opened in Paris on October 6, 2003, is the concrete implementation of the plan to establish a mutualized cultural year between the two countries advocated by the leaders of China and France in 2001. It is also an important attempt of Chinese culture to go to western countries for the first time systematically . Culture is the mother of scientific and technological progress and the forerunner of economic and social development. The track of historical development shows that culture influences the generation, development and dissemination of science and technology and affects the process and result of science and technology innovation. The progress of an era culture must contain the development and innovation of science and technology in that era