水稻“三控”施肥技术自2007年通过技术鉴定以来,作为广东省农业主推技术,被广泛用于粮食高产创建和超级稻示范活动中,在广东各地迅速推广,并辐射到江西等省区,取得了显著的节本增产增收效果。多年多点示范表明,该技术比习惯栽培技术增产8%左右,节省肥料成本20%左右,每667 m2增收节支100元以上,倒伏和病虫害明显减轻。还介绍了近年来水稻“三控”施肥技术示范推广的主要经验和做法。
Since its adoption of technical appraisal in 2007, rice / “three control” fertilizers have been extensively used in high-yielding grain production and super-rice demonstration activities in Guangdong as a major agricultural technology in Guangdong Province. They have been rapidly popularized throughout Guangdong and radiated to Jiangxi and other provinces District, made a significant section of the yield increase effect. Demonstration over many years shows that the technology increases the yield by about 8% compared with the customary cultivation techniques, saves about 20% of the fertilizer cost, and increases and reduces the cost by more than 100 yuan per 667 m2. The lodging and pests and diseases are obviously reduced. Also introduced in recent years, rice “three control ” fertilization technology demonstration and promotion of the main experience and practices.