伊贝母(Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk.)4月上旬,地温3—5℃,更新芽萌发出土。接着开花、结果。与此同时,地下部分完成新、老鳞茎的更替。地上部分于6月中旬枯萎。地下鳞茎中更新芽的形态发生是在8—22℃条件下完成的,同时又奠基新的腋芽原基。10月下旬以后进入冬季休眠。因此,一个更新芽的全部生活过程须经3个生长季。每年中,出苗以后的地上生活期为80—90天,其余270—280天为地下生活期。此外,试验表明伊贝母新磷茎的形成与光照条件没有直接关系,而鳞茎的大小与芽的分化及花的发端有关。
Fritillaria pallidiflora Schrenk. In early April, the ground temperature 3-5 ℃, renewal bud germination unearthed. Then flowering, the result. In the meantime, the underground part completes the replacement of new and old bulbs. The aerial part withered in mid-June. Bulb in the regeneration of bud morphogenesis is completed under the conditions of 8-22 ℃, while laying the foundation of new axillary buds. After entering the winter dormancy in late October. Therefore, the whole life cycle of a renewal shoot is subject to three growing seasons. Each year, after the emergence of the ground life of 80-90 days, the remaining 270-280 days for underground life. In addition, the experiment showed that the formation of new stems of Iberian millet was not directly related to the light conditions, but the size of the bulbs was related to bud differentiation and flower initiation.