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本文旨在对建设性交锋—交融(constructive engagement)这种比较哲学方法论策略在元哲学和元方法论层次上作一番表征。将通过对现代中国哲学和中西比较哲学中的建设性交锋—交融的反思实践所具有的十个不同特征的表征、强调和解释来完成本文的目标。这十个特征要么是直接反映了比较哲学中这种建设性交锋—交融的方法论策略,要么是贯彻这种策略的效果,要么是与这个策略内在相关。由此,人们就既能够看到比较哲学中的这种一般方法论策略的理论维度,又能看到它在哲学中的实践运用和反思效果。简要地讲,比较哲学或(更一般而论)哲学探索中的建设性交锋—交融的方法论策略是去探索那些来自各种哲学传统或者来自(同一传统中或不同传统间)做哲学的不同风格/取向的不同思想方式、方法论途径、眼光、洞察、基本观点或概念性/解释性资源如何能够通过反思性批判和自身批判而相互学习、携手为共同的哲学事业(对一系列通过哲学解释而共同关注的问题或论题)作出贡献。 The purpose of this article is to characterize the constructive engagement methodology of comparative philosophy at the level of metaphysics and meta-methodology. The goal of this article is to be achieved through the representation, emphasis and explanation of ten different features of the constructive confrontation between modern Chinese philosophy and Chinese and Western comparative philosophy. These ten features either directly reflect this constructive confrontation-comparative methodological approach in comparative philosophy, either as a result of implementing such a strategy or as inherently relevant to the strategy. Thus one can see both the theoretical dimension of this general methodological approach in comparative philosophy and the practical application and reflection of it in philosophy. Briefly, constructive confrontation in philosophical or (more generally) philosophical exploration - the methodological approach to blending is to explore the different styles of philosophies that come from various philosophical traditions or from (the same tradition or different traditions) / Approach, ways, perspectives, insights, basic ideas or conceptual / interpretive resources can learn from each other through reflective criticism and self-criticism and work together as a common philosophical undertaking (for a series of philosophical explanations of Common problems or topics) to contribute.
神经源性肿瘤,包括神经纤维瘤(neurofibroma)与神经鞘膜瘤(neurilemmoma)。本瘤可发生于身体之任何部位,但发生于头颅部位的则较少见。 作者自1972年以来,曾收遇颞骨内面神
张泽原来是松江南部的一个有水乡韵味的镇。  张泽农民喜欢养山羊,且善养羊。一段时间,那个地方养的山羊,比猪还多。羊多了,羊肉的生意也风生水起。随着年代的推移,张泽人对羊肉的做法、吃法越来越精。张泽羊肉渐渐声名远播。松江城里,几乎一夜间雨后春笋般冒出二三十家张泽羊肉庄。其实,真正由张泽人开的羊肉店,没有几家。大多数是冲着张泽羊肉这块招牌来的。  听老人说,张泽羊肉之所以有今天的名气,有一个人功不可没
作者采用双盲法比较口服与静脉氟脲嘧啶(5-Fu)治疗晚期直结肠癌的差别。将 100例结直肠癌有转移的病人,将其分成两组,47例口服用药,20毫克/公斤/日,5天;53例静脉用药,13.5毫
作者使用0.5~1.0%争光霉素软膏(BLM-O)治疗37例皮肤恶性肿瘤,结果如下: 1.癌前期17例(原位癌8例、老年性角化瘤2例、放射性角化病2例、阴部湿疹样癌3例、继发于着色性干皮病的