近年来,许多国家在临床应用中开始探索经介入手段行去肾交感神经( renal denervation,RDN)治疗顽固性高血压的途径。尽管HTN-3研究的阴性结果未能证实RDN治疗高血压的有效性,但证实了手术后至6个月时的安全性。目前,RDN治疗对心脏功能及心血管重构的影响已成为研究的焦点,日益受到更多关注。现就经导管RDN治疗顽固性高血压及对心脏重构等其他方面的影响做一综述。“,”In recent years,the effectiveness and safety of catheter-based renal denervation( RDN) for the reduction of blood pressure in patients with treatment-resistant hypertension has been assessed in many clinical trials internationally.The HTN-3 clinical trial verified the safety of RDN even as late as 6 months after the intervention,although its results failed to demonstrate the efficacy of the intervention.Pres-ently the impact of RDN on cardiac function and cardiovascular remodeling has an increased attention and awareness.This article makes an o-verview regarding the major evidence on the curative effect of RDN on resistant hypertension,cardiac remodeling and other aspects.