雅各布·贝采里乌斯(J(?)ns Jacob Berzelius)于1779年8月20日出生在瑞典南部林柯平镇附近的一位教师家庭里。他四岁丧父,母亲再嫁,更不幸的是九岁时母亲又去世了,由继父等抚养成人。从小爱好学习,六岁时开始学记日记,喜爱各种植物。十四岁时进中学,对自然科学很有兴趣。十八岁时进入乌普萨拉大学医学系,半工半读,为了在业余时间当教师,努力学习了法语、德语和英语。1799年开始研究化学,在教授指导下进行各种实验,进步很快。他还学会了吹玻璃技术,对后来的实验研究工作帮助极大。大学毕业后任医学系助教,同时从事电化学研究。
Jacob Augustzel Jacob (Jacob Jacobs) was born on August 20, 1779 in a family of teachers near the town of Ringöping in southern Sweden. When he was four years old, he lost his father and his mother remarried. What is even more unfortunate is that when the mother died at the age of nine, he was raised by her stepfather and other adults. Since I was a hobby, I began to learn diary when I was six and loved all kinds of plants. When I was 14, I was in high school and was very interested in the natural sciences. At the age of 18, she entered the department of medicine at Uppsala University and worked half-time as a teacher, studying hard to learn French, German and English in her spare time. In 1799 began to study chemistry, under the guidance of Professor conducted various experiments, progress rapidly. He also learned the technology of glass blowing, which greatly helped the later experimental research. After graduating from university, he is a professor of medicine, and is engaged in electrochemical research.