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为探索专利引文分析在军工企业中应用的可行性及价值,采用专利引文分析方法,对美国军工巨头洛克希德.马丁公司1976-2006年间在美国专利商标局授权的专利引用情况进行分析;研究其引用次数、技术生命周期、当前影响指数与技术实力、高被引专利、引用关联等特点。结果表明,专利引文分析能够用于确定军工企业技术领域分布及发展规律,与竞争对手进行比较分析测度其技术实力及影响力,找出其核心技术,发现与之技术相关联的机构等。 In order to explore the feasibility and value of the patent citations analysis in the military industry, this paper uses the patent citation analysis method to analyze the patent citation of the U.S. military giant Lockheed Martin in the US Patent and Trademark Office between 1976 and 2006; The number of citations, technology life cycle, the current impact index and technical strength, highly cited patents, citation and other characteristics. The results show that the analysis of patent citations can be used to determine the distribution and development of military technology in the field of technology, comparative analysis with competitors to measure its technical strength and influence, to identify its core technology, and found that the technology associated with the agency.
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