
来源 :地理空间信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Zoeyha
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以重庆大学城隧道建设中与营运后的两期高分遥感影像为例,通过人机交互式遥感解译,提取各期影像的地表覆盖分类信息,在此基础上对生态环境中的林地、耕地、地表水以及其他用地的动态变化情况以及相关环境指数作详细分析,从而获得隧道建设过程中的地表环境变化情况。为验证该应用方法的可推广性,选取碧鸡关隧道建设前后3个不同时期的高分遥感影像,成功分析出该隧道在修建过程中的地表环境动态变化情况。 Taking the construction of Chongqing University City Tunnel and the two high-resolution remote sensing images after the operation as an example, the surface coverage classification information of each period of image was extracted through human-computer interactive remote sensing interpretation. Based on this, The dynamic changes of cultivated land, surface water and other land and the related environmental indexes are analyzed in detail so as to obtain the change of the surface environment during the tunnel construction. In order to verify the extendability of this application method, the high-resolution remote sensing images of Bijiguan Tunnel before and after the construction at three different periods were selected and the dynamic changes of the surface environment of the tunnel during the construction were successfully analyzed.
<正> KIO_3晶体是一种优秀的非线性光学材料,由于存在着电畴与孪晶,一直未能制作成各种非线性光学器件.关于其铁电性质已有不少研究,本文报道该晶体去孪去畴方面的研究成果。
On March 15, the State Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) issued the Managing Regulations on Recall of Defective Automobil
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【正】 早就听说过这个传奇人物。眼前的几张报纸上,登载着他的事迹:他是国营企业的普通工人,却被推上企业管理一线,神奇地带领濒临死亡的企业起死回生并连续12年盈利;他是位