【摘 要】
Rapid urbanization and natural hazards are posing threats to local ecological processes and ecosystem services worldwide. Using land use, socioeconomic, and natural hazards data, we conducted an asses
【机 构】
Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Natural Disaster,Ministry of Education,Beijing Normal Uni
【出 处】
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science
Rapid urbanization and natural hazards are posing threats to local ecological processes and ecosystem services worldwide. Using land use, socioeconomic, and natural hazards data, we conducted an assessment of the ecological vulnerability of prefectures
Floods are among the most frequent and devas-tating natural hazards and disasters in many southern states in the United States.This study examined the relationship and reciprocal predictability between two theoretical con-structs—risk perception attitude
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is caused by infection with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2),which is spread primary via respiratory droplets and infects the lungs.Currently widely used cell lines and anima
The 20th anniversary of the completion of the Human Genome Project offers an opportunity to reflect on early efforts to make biological sense out of genomic data.My interest in genomic analysis began at Washington University in 1988 while I was a postdoc
After the 2016 New Zealand Kaikoura Earth-quake,the absence of information about the state of buildings in Wellington proved to be a source of significant policy uncertainty.Authorities did not know what damages to expect and therefore how to react,and po
Background:A traditional Chinese medicine formula,Youdujing (YDJ) ointment,is widely used for treatment of human papilloma virus-related diseases,such as cervical cancer.However,the underlying mechanisms by which active compounds of YDJ alleviates cervica
摘要:建筑施工作业环境具有露天作业、劳动强度高、高空临边作业多,交叉作业等特点而成为施工现场管理工作的重点。据有关资料显示,我国每年死于建筑业的人数仅次于交通、煤矿等行业。所以,建筑业作为高风险行业,加强施工现场安全管理工作尤其重要。本文分析了施工现场安全管理的特点,阐明了施工现场安全管理存在的问题,探讨了施工现场安全管理的措施。 关键词:建筑施工现场安全管理 中图分类号:TU7文献标识码:
细颗粒物(PM2.5)和臭氧(03)是我国的主要大气污染物,严重危害人群健康.北京市自2013年以来大力开展大气污染治理工作,现已取得显著成效.通过分析2014~2020年北京市34个大气环境监测站的PM2.5和O3浓度变化特征并评估大气污染防治的健康效应,对推进大气污染防治具有重要意义.结果 表明,2014年北京市PM2.5年均值和4~9月平均O3日最大小时(03_max)值分别为92.0 μg·m-3和81.9 nmo1·mol-1.2014 ~2020年PM2.5平均每年降低7.5 μg·m-3,但
摘要:随着对自然湿地作用的深入认识,世界上城市水体景观设计也逐渐从纯粹的水景设计过渡到对湿地系统的设计或改造。湿地素有“地球之肾”的美誉,和森林、海洋并列为地球三大生态系统。在进行湿地的景观设计时,除了考虑美学上的功能外,生态功能也是首要考虑的因素之一。 关键词:湿地公园、建设、景观设计 中图分类号: S611 文献标识码: A 一、前言 湿地公园是指在一定的区域内,通过人工手段对原有
Background:The coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) is causing a havoc globally,exacerbated by the newly dis-covered SARS-CoV-2 virus.Due to its high population density,India is one of the most badly effected countries from the first wave of COVID-19.Therefore
Subsurface technologies,such as geothermal energy and carbon capture and storage,are options to help limit global warming.Subsurface technologies involve the risk of induced seismicity.The successful implementation of these technologies depends on the pub