报告了 1 990~ 1 999年辽宁省急性弛缓性麻痹 (AFP)病例共 85 9例 ,报告发病率由 1 990年的 0 5 6 /1 0万上升至1 999年的 1 0 2 /1 0万。共采集AFP病例粪便标本 780例 ,从中分离到脊髓灰质炎 (脊灰 )病毒 6 3株 (以例数计算 ) ,分离率为 7 33% ( 6 3/85 9) ;非脊灰其他肠道病毒 (NPEV) 72株 ,分离率为 8 38% ( 72 /85 9) ,其中脊灰病毒Ⅰ型 1 6株 ,Ⅱ型 1 7株 ,Ⅲ型 2 0株 ,混合株 1 0株。采集健康人群及AFP病例密切接触者粪便标本 2 6 6 2份 ,分离到脊灰病毒 5 0株 ,分离率为 1 88%( 5 0 /2 6 6 2 ) ;NPEV为 1 39株 ,分离率为 5 2 2 % ( 1 39/2 6 6 2 ) ;脊灰病毒Ⅰ型 34株 ,Ⅱ型 3株 ,Ⅲ型 1 3株 ,以Ⅰ型为优势株。采集外环境生活污水标本 1 5 7份 ,共分离到脊灰病毒 2 4株 ,分离率为 1 5 2 9% ( 2 4/1 5 7) ,NPEV为 6 0株 ,分离率为 38 2 2 %( 6 0 /1 5 7) ,脊灰病毒型别分布无明显的优势株。辽宁省自1 991年以来已连续 9年未检测到脊灰野病毒
A total of 85 9 acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) cases were reported in Liaoning Province from 1990 to 1999. The reported incidence increased from 561,000 in 1990 to 102,200 in 1999 Million A total of 780 faecal samples from AFP cases were collected and 63 poliovirus (poliovirus) strains isolated from them were obtained. The isolation rate was 733% (6 3/85 9). Other non-polio intestinal 72 isolates of virus (NPEV) were isolated and the isolation rate was 8 38% (72/85 9). Among them, 16 strains were poliovirus type Ⅰ 1, type Ⅱ 17, type Ⅲ 20 and mixed type 10. A total of 2662 fecal samples were collected from healthy population and close contacts of AFP cases, 50 strains of poliovirus were isolated, the isolation rate was 1 88% (50/266 2) (522%), 34 strains of type Ⅰ poliovirus, 3 strains of type Ⅱ and 13 strains of type Ⅲ, with type Ⅰ as dominant strain. A total of 157 samples of environmental sewage samples were collected. Twenty four strains of poliovirus were isolated, with a separation rate of 15 2 9% (2 4/1 5 7) and 60 isolates of NPEV with a separation rate of 38 2 2 % (60/157), poliovirus type distribution no obvious dominant strains. In Liaoning Province, poliovirus has not been detected for 9 consecutive years since 1991