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中国振动工程学会土动力学学会成立大会于1988年4月13日至15日在北京冶金部建筑研究总院举行。在成立大会上,由中国振动工程学会副秘书长应怀樵宣读关于建立土动力学学会的批件。由会议主持人徐攸在宣读学会章程,学会筹委会代表吴成元汇报筹委会工作,筹委会组织组陈立兴宣布土动力学学会主任委员、副主任委员、秘书长、委员和学术委员的上报名单。学部委员中国振动工程学会理事长胡海昌和常务理事应怀樵在会上讲了话。他们为学会的成立表示热烈祝贺,并希望土动力学学会能团结广大科技工作者,积极开展学术活动,提高学术水平,面向生产,开创学会工作的新局面。中国土木工程学会土力学及基础工程学会主任委员卢肇钧和中国建筑学会地基基础学会副主任委员王吉望等也到会祝贺,他们介绍了学会 The Founding Conference of the Chinese Society of Vibration Engineering’s Soil Dynamics Society was held from April 13th to April 15th, 1988 at the Beijing Institute of Metallurgy and Architecture Research. At the inaugural meeting, the deputy secretary-general of the China Society of Vibration Engineering, Qi Huaiyu, read out the paper on the establishment of the Soil Dynamics Society. Xu Wei, the host of the conference, read the constitution of the society, and the committee of the preparatory committee, Wu Chengyuan, reported to the preparatory committee. Chen Lixing, organizing committee of the preparatory committee, announced the report of the director, vice chairman, secretary-general, member and academic committee of the Institute of Soil Dynamics. List. Hu Haichang, director of the Institute of Vibration Engineering of China, and the standing director of the Institute of Vibration Engineering, will speak at the meeting. They expressed warm congratulations for the founding of the Society and hoped that the Soil Dynamics Society would unite the broad masses of scientific and technological workers, actively carry out academic activities, raise the academic level, face production, and create a new situation for the work of the Society. Lu Hao, member of the Institute of Soil Mechanics and Basic Engineering of the China Civil Engineering Society, and Wang Jiwang, deputy chairman of the Foundation Society of China Institute of Architects, also attended the ceremony. They introduced the society.
劳动人事部委托冶金工业部负责编写国家标准《爆破作业人员安全技术考核标准》一书,已于1987年底完成了征求意见稿。1988年3月冶金部将征求意见稿发往100多个进行爆 The Mi
铸造模的优劣将直接影响到铸件的质量和造型的生产率。为了满足建筑机械生产发展的需要,保证铸件质量,要求正确地设计模型,制造模型。同时还要保管好模型并及时维护修理 Th
“我去安徽了。”父亲发来的短信总是那么简短,一如他沉默寡言的性格。父亲刚学会发短信。看着短信,我脑海里浮现出父亲左手拖着一个蛇皮袋、肩上扛着木工箱淹没于人海匆匆往火车站赶的情景。  父亲到安徽那天,兴奋地告诉我他做工的地方在黄山。父亲说他在黄山最高的地方做木工,此刻的父亲仿佛是一个刚走出大山的孩子。其实父亲已扛着那个磨得发白的木箱在城市的森林里东奔西跑了将近三十年。  一个月后。父亲发短信来,告诉
我院介入科自1997年3月~1999年1月共行肝动脉灌注栓塞化疗治疗肝癌115例,其中发生并发症13例,现分析如下。1 临床资料本组115例,其中原发性肝癌93例,继发性肝癌22例;原发性肝