气球装饰工程在国外流行已久,作为庆典消费项目已经深人人心。用各色气球编织成的各种空间造型、图案成文字,缤纷灿烂,时尚浪漫,几乎人见人爱。一、市场分析: 据国家工商、民政部门不完全统计,在我国约20万人口的城市,平均每年约有3000家各种新企业注册开业,有近3000对新婚夫妇登记结婚,而用于企业开张仪式、婚礼喜庆布置活动的两项消费总额达数千万人民币,并以几何速度向上递增。装饰气
Balloon decoration project has long been popular in foreign countries, as the festival consumer projects have been deeply rooted. With various colored balloons woven into a variety of space modeling, text into patterns, colorful, romantic fashion, almost cute. I. Market Analysis According to incomplete statistics by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce and Civil Affairs, in the cities of about 200,000 in our country, about 3,000 new businesses are registered and opened each year on average, nearly 3,000 newlyweds register for marriage and are used for enterprises Opening ceremony, wedding festive arrangement of the two total consumption of tens of millions of yuan, and the geometric speed up. Decorative gas