索格底亚那(Sogdiana,汉文史籍称之为“粟特”)位于中亚阿姆河和锡尔河之间的泽拉夫善河流域。前波斯时期的索格底亚那被称为“加乌—苏格达”(Gava-Sughdha)~([1])。公元前550年,居鲁士二世(Cyrus Ⅱ,公元前590-前529年)征服了索格底亚那(Sug(u)da),并在锡尔河流域建立了居洛波利斯(Cyropolis),从此,将索格底亚那置于阿黑门尼德王朝的统治之下。之后,索格底亚那相继经历了亚历山大及其继承者、塞琉古王朝、希腊-巴克特里亚王国的统治。公元前2世纪中叶,希腊-巴克特里亚王朝的灭亡标志着希腊人
Sogdiana (Sogdiana, Chinese historical records called “Sogdian”) is located in the Zayfushan River between the Amu and the Sy River in Central Asia. The former Persian Sorgia was called “Gava-Sughdha” ~ ([1]). In 550 BC, Cyrus Ⅱ (590- BC BC5 BC) conquered Sug da (Utah) and established the Chloopolis (Cyropolis), since then, will be placed in Seduoya under the rule of the Armenian dynasty. After that, Sogdiana went through the reign of Alexander and his successors, the ancient Seleucids and the Greek-Bactrian kingdom. The mid-second century BC, the Greek-Bactrian tribe marked the demise of the Greeks