1926 年3 月20 日发生的中山舰事件,乃是大革命时期的一大事变,深刻波及当时广州国民政府高层政坛,使其间人际关系发生重大变化,严重摇撼了国共合作的根基,并最终影响到国民革命的进程与整个中国的历史走向。 中共党史一直说“三·二○”中山舰事件是蒋介石公开反共的起点,矛头
The Zhongshan incident occurred on March 20, 1926 was a major event during the Great Revolution. It profoundly affected the high-level political scene of the then Guangzhou National Government and caused major changes in its interpersonal relations. This seriously shakes the foundation for the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and ultimately affected the nationals The Process of Revolution and the Historical Trend of China as a whole. The CPC history has always said that the “Zhongshan incident” of March 20 was the starting point for Chiang Kai-shek’s open anti-communism.