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随着社会主义市场经济的确立,物质产品做为商品正逐步步入人心,精神产品的商品属性也进一步得到了承认。精神产品以商品的形式步入市场,生产和经营借鉴企业的管理方式,这在一定程度上活跃了精神文化领域,增强了文化事业的自身“造血”功能,既显示了文化的生机和活力,又丰富了群众的精神文化生活。不可否认,这是社会主义商品经济发展所带来的可喜变化,也应该充分肯定这种文化的变革所具有的进步意义和积累的宝贵经验。 With the establishment of a socialist market economy, the material products are gradually gaining popularity as commodities, and the product attributes of mental products are further recognized. Mental products are marketed in the form of commodities, and the management of production and management is a reference to the management of enterprises. To a certain extent, this has taken an active part in the field of spiritual culture and enhanced their own “blood-making” function of cultural undertakings. It not only shows the vitality and vitality of culture, Also enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the masses. It is undeniable that this is a welcome change brought about by the development of the socialist commodity economy. It is also necessary to fully affirm the progressive significance and valuable experience accumulated by this cultural change.
关键词:  辨伪机制薄弱 真伪模糊 数字化管理    中华文化的一个缺憾,就是虚假,就是辨伪机制的薄弱。造成了历史上真伪模糊的严重倾向。  记得十年前读海外历史学家黄仁宇教授的著作,他反复强调中华文明在思维逻辑上最大的毛病是缺少数字化管理,他当时用的中文句子是“不能在数目字上管理”。这种提法,对当时中国大陆的学术文化界还非常陌生,因为当时大家还在一些空洞的概念上批判中国的传统思维,寻找落后原因,比
Where is China?Mike has a new toy bus.He wants to playwith it in school,but it’s time for class and he hasto go to the classroom.It’s ten twenty now.MrClark c
我想我要的就是这种可以放在手里温柔凝望的小幸福。——题记窗外的雨淅淅沥沥地下着。隔壁又传来忧叹声,我的眉头忍不住又皱了一下。 I think what I want is a small happ
原告:南京室内装饰工程总公司(以下简称装饰公司)。 被告:高新农,男,1957年12月生,装饰公司五分公司员工。 被告于1991年12月起在原告第五分公司工作。1994年5月被告以身体