Acacia seeds containing strong toxicity of red bean poisoning mistakenly used in ancient times, there are still, it should be taken seriously to prevent poisoning. Acacia also known as red beans, Acacia beans, black chicks, chicken mother beads, beans for the seeds of Acacia seed. Shape oval (a few near spherical), 5 to 7 mm long, 4 to 5 mm wide. Upper vermilion, umbilical part of black, shiny. Seed coat hard, not broken. The smell of grass-like, bitter and astringent. Acacia roots, stems, leaves, flowers are toxic to the strongest seed toxicity, swallowing 0.5 mg after chewing can be poisoned. Modern medicine has confirmed that the poison is a variety of toxic proteins, is a cytotoxic. Symptoms of poisoning are: first increased body temperature and then decreased, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea, difficulty breathing, skin bruising, circulatory failure, proteinuria, sometimes convulsions, and finally out