疯子·锰 半个世纪前,日本一偏僻小村两个月内连续有16人发疯。这些患者情绪紊乱,时哭时笑,四肢僵硬,易于跌倒。现场调查发现,此村用过的废干电池都抛入了水井旁的垃圾坑里,电池内的二氧化锰在地下逐
Half a man ago, half a century ago, in a remote village in Japan, 16 people continued to go crazy in two months. Emotional disorders in these patients, laughing when crying, limbs stiff, easy to fall. Site survey found that the village used waste batteries are thrown into the garbage pit next to the well, the battery inside the manganese dioxide in the ground by