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薄醉我对于酒的态度向来是事不关己高高挂起的,这并非是由于我生长在江南地域的缘故。江南也多好酒之士,我的两个舅舅都爱喝酒,通常是在餐前啜饮一盅两盅而已,从来未见他们有酩酊大醉之状。我想要说南人北客饮酒的作风,我的两个舅舅大概是属于南方派的。我第一次醉酒是在大学期间,当时同学们都下河北山区植树劳动,有一天几个同学结伴去县城一家小饭馆打牙祭,一同学说要喝酒,结果就叫了瓶白酒。酒是当地的小酒厂出的,名字却叫了个白兰地。第一次品酒,竟然品出个醇厚的酒味,再加上我们的古典文学老师在讲解李清照词中的薄醉时声情并茂言传身教,给我留下了美好的印象,我便有点贪杯,直奔“薄醉”的目标而去了。令人惊喜的是步出小酒馆时我果真是薄醉,脚步像是踩在棉花上,另外几个同学便来扶我,嘴里快乐地喊道:薄醉了,薄醉了!后来才知道那样的薄醉其实是可遇不可求的,学生时代透明单纯的心境一去不返,完全是高梁酒的冒名“白兰地”也难以混入都市酒架之中。我在一次次的酒席饭局上一次次地饮酒,渐渐地竟然对酒生出了些许恐惧之心。 Drunk my attitude towards the wine has always been unrelated to the high hanging, not because I grew up in the southern region of sake. Jiangnan also more wine, my two uncles love to drink, usually sipping a cup of two cups just before a meal, never seen them drunk state. I want to say the style of drinking in the South of the North, my two uncles probably belong to the Southern School. My first drunkenness was during college. At that time, my classmates all planted trees in mountainous areas of Hebei Province. One day a few students went to a small restaurant in the county town for a toothy ceremony and told them to drink. The result was a bottle of white wine. Wine is a local small distillery out, but the name called a brandy. The first wine tasting, even out of a mellow wine, coupled with our classical literature teacher Li Qingzhao words in the drunk and exquisite voice, and gave me a good impression, I will be a little bit greedy, straight Ben “” drunk “goal away. Surprisingly, when I was out of the tavern, I was really drunk, like walking on cotton, while several other students came to help me, his mouth happily shouted: thin drunk, drunk! Later Know that such a drunken fact is a good fortune, the students simply transparent mood gone forever, is completely trash of sorghum ”brandy " is also difficult to mix into the city wine rack. I time and time again in the bartender dinner drinking, and gradually even gave a slight heart of wine.
一 “嫖娼” 某女士,随父南下,在南宁某机关供职多年。听广西话一般没问题,可有时还难免听岔。 一日,机关开大会,女士迟到。未及落座,便听得领导在台上慷慨陈词,说是普通话,
The positive and negative terrains(P-N terrains) widely distributed across China’s Loess Plateau constitute the dual structure characteristic of loess landform
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