
来源 :磷肥与复肥 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huangxinyu322
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依据土壤普查、化肥网试验、平衡施肥试验结果,分别研制小麦、玉米、甜菜、水稻3种配方,经田间小区试验筛选出小麦配方m(N)∶m(P2O5)为1∶0.55,总养分27%;玉米1∶0.4,20%;水稻1∶0.7,34%;甜菜m(N)∶m(P2O5)∶m(K2O)为1∶0.8∶0.3,27%,较习惯施肥分别平均增产32.6%、12.4%、21.6%、27.5%,大田示范2.67万hm2,粮食作物平均增产11.3%,甜菜增产26.8%。 According to the results of soil survey, fertilizer net test and balanced fertilization test, three formulas of wheat, corn, sugar beet and rice were respectively developed. The formula of m (N): m (P2O5) 27%; corn 1: 0.4,20%; rice 1: 0.7,34%; beet m: N (P2O5): m 32.6%, 12.4%, 21.6% and 27.5% respectively. In Daejeon, there were 26,700 hm2 demonstrating an average grain yield increase of 11.3% and beet yield increasing by 26.8%.