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中华民族素来就有崇尚诚信道德的传统,诚挚待人、诚实守信、言行一致。改革开放和发展市场经济以来,我国人民的文化素质不断提高,社会公德也有了很大的进步,但就诚信而言,还存在不少问题。诚信包括诚和信两个方面,诚是指诚实无欺,真实无妄,既不自欺,也不欺人;信是指严守信用,兑现诺言。诚信就是诚实不欺,恪守信用,言行相符。言必行,行必果,这是为人的根本。中国古代的智者提出:“人而不能言,何以为人?言之所以为言者,信也。”人们既然能够言,也喜欢言,那就必须讲究诚信。一个人若没有信用,他就不能与他人进行正常交往,在社会生活中就会失去立足之地。诚信是做人的起点和基本准 The Chinese nation always has the tradition of adhering to honesty and morality, treating people earnestly, being honest and trustworthy, and practicing words and deeds consistently. Since the reform and opening up and the development of a market economy, the cultural quality of our people has been continuously improved. Social morality has also been greatly improved. However, there are still many problems regarding integrity. Honesty includes both honesty and trustworthiness, honesty means honesty and ignorance, truthlessness, neither self-deception nor deception; faith refers to strictly observing credit and fulfilling its promise. Honesty is honesty is not bullied, abide by the credit, words and deeds match. Words must be done, the line will be fruit, this is the fundamental man. The wise men in ancient China put forward: “People can not speak, why people say words, letters also.” Since people can speak and like words, then we must pay attention to integrity. If a person does not have credit, he can not engage in normal exchanges with others, and he will lose his foothold in social life. Honesty is the starting point and the basic standard
讨论了校园网拨号网络系统的总体结构,核心协议基础以及在记账,安全管理待方面的问题,并探讨了具体的实现方法. Discusses the overall structure of the campus network dial-u
一个具备完整经济系统的虚拟世界的出现,将会成为真正改变历史的“新经济”。 The emergence of a virtual world with a complete economic system will become the “new