冰心,本名谢婉莹,祖籍福建长乐,中国现代文学的第一代开拓者。五四时期,她受社会运动热潮的激发,一反“女子无才便是德”的封建闺训,拿起笔来,亮相文坛,以其连篇佳作,印证一个新时代的到来。 冰心于1900年10月5日出生在福建福州市,父亲名叫谢葆璋,参加过著名的甲午海战,是一位富有爱国心的海军军官,时任北洋水师“海圻舰”副舰长。冰心出生7个月时,父母带她离开家乡,移居上海。1904年,因谢葆璋奉命到山东烟台创办海军军官学校,全家又迁到烟台。辛亥革命前,谢葆璋辞职返回故乡,冰心于1911年考取福州女子师范学校预科,她在这所学校读了3个学期。
Bing Xin, his real name is Xie Wanying, ancestor of Fujian Changle, the first generation of modern Chinese pioneer. During the May 4th Movement, she was stimulated by the upsurge of social movements. When she opposed the feudal martyry of “women are virtuous”, she picked up her pen and appeared in the literary world. With her masterpieces, she confirmed the arrival of a new era. Bing Xin was born on October 5, 1900 in Fuzhou, Fujian Province, whose father was Xie Baozhang, who participated in the famous Sino-Japanese naval battle of Jiawu. He is a patriotic naval officer who became the deputy captain of the Northern Sea Navy. Bing Xin was born seven months, the parents took her away from home, emigrated to Shanghai. In 1904, Xie Baozhang was ordered to set up naval officer school in Yantai, Shandong Province, and his family moved to Yantai again. Before the Revolution of 1911, Xie Baozhang resigned to return home. Bing Xin admitted Fuzhou Female Normal School Preparatory Course in 1911, where she read 3 semesters.