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中州铝厂作为国家“七五”、“八五”重点建设项目,在投产初期的几年里,由于一期工程投资大,后续工程又一直未能及时衔接,导致中州铝厂陷入了大马拉小车的被动境地。到1997年底,建贷本息已达29亿元,负债32亿元,负债率达到164%,企业失去了自我发展的能力,陷入了严重困境:外欠各种货款、税费高达2亿元;职工曾数月不能发工资,工程技术人员大量外流;停产通知曾几次提到议程。中州铝厂面临着关门走人的危险局面。党的十五大召开,特别是解放思想、转变观念的精神为中州铝求生图存指明了方向。中州铝厂经过总结投产5年来的经验和认真调查研究分析后认为,中州铝作为经济转轨时期遗留下来的问题,仅靠企业自身是一时难以解决的,而应从内部各个方面深挖潜力,苦练内功,走小步滚动发展之路,以改善和逐步解决面对的困境。也可为中州铝问题最终的较好解决争取更为积极和有利的条件。企业要生存和脱困,必须在技改挖潜和充分调动职工积极性两方面大做文章。 Zhongzhou Aluminum Plant as a national “Seventh Five-Year”, “85” key construction projects in the initial production of a few years, due to a project investment, follow-up projects have not been timely convergence, resulting in Zhongzhou aluminum plant plunged into Malaysia Pull the car’s passive situation. By the end of 1997, the principal and interest of construction loans had reached 2.9 billion yuan, with a debt of 3.2 billion yuan and a debt ratio of 164%. The enterprises lost their ability to develop themselves and were in serious difficulties: they owed all kinds of loans and taxes up to 200 million yuan; Workers have been unable to pay wages in a few months, a large number of engineering and technical personnel outflow; stop notification has mentioned the agenda several times. Zhongzhou Aluminum Plant is facing the danger of leaving the door. The convening of the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, especially the emancipation of the mind and the transformation of concepts, pointed out the direction for the survival of the Central Plains. Zhongzhou Aluminum Plant concluded five years of experience and careful investigation and analysis of the production after that Zhongzhou aluminum as a legacy of economic transition left alone, the enterprise itself is a temporary problem to be solved, but should from all aspects of internal potential, hard training Internal strength, take small step rolling development path to improve and gradually solve the dilemma. But also for the final solution Zhongzhou aluminum problem for a more positive and favorable conditions. To survive and get out of business, enterprises must make a fuss about both tapping the potential of technological innovation and mobilizing the enthusiasm of workers.
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