仅在两年前在《地球化学》刊物上登载了祝贺我国著名地学界老前辈尹赞勋教授80寿辰的文章,而今他与世长辞的噩耗传来,令人悲痛万分。 尹老是我国地球科学事业的优秀组织者和领导者之一,我国地层规范的创始人,我国志留系研究的奠基人,我国无脊椎古生物学杰出的先驱者和开拓者。他为我国社会主义地质科学事业,特别是地层古生物学科的发展作出了卓越的贡献。
Only two years ago, in the journal Geochemistry, there was an article congratulating Professor Yin Zanxun, the famous predecessor of our academic circle, on his 80th birthday. Now he is saddened by the sad news about his death. Yin is always one of the outstanding organizers and leaders of Earth science in China. He is the founder of the stratigraphic norms in China, the founder of the Silurian system in China, and an outstanding pioneer and pioneer of invertebrate paleontology in China. He made outstanding contributions to the development of China’s socialist geosciences, especially the palaeontology.