
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lilanlan999
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鲁迅先生的《孔乙己》,描写一个叫做孔乙己的人物:他读书不成,潦倒非常,终于做小偷,被人家打断了腿,默默而死。其中表现出旧式教育的不易发展人的才能,潦倒的读书人的意识和姿态,以及社会对于不幸的人的冷淡——除了随便的当作取笑的资料以外,再没有其它的关心。全篇分为两部分。前一部分,那酒店小伙计说他在店里专管温酒,单调而无聊。“掌柜是一副凶脸孔,主顾也没有好声气,教人活泼不得;只有孔乙己到店,才可以笑几声”。就从孔乙己引人发笑,使人快活这一点上,把孔乙己这个人物刻画出来,让读者认识。刻画虽不限于一方面(计有孔乙己所受的教育,生活越来越坏的过程,心绪上的颓唐而自负等方面),可是着墨不多,而且都以小伙计在酒店里的所见所闻为范围,而且都不脱离“引人发笑,使人快活”的线索。后一部分,用孔乙己所欠的酒帐作 Mr. Lu Xun's “Kong Yi-ji,” describes a character called Kong Yi-chih: he failed in his studies, fell ill, and finally became a thief who was interrupted by his leg and silently died. There is no other concern than the less educated, less educated, less educated, sober-minded person who shows the old-fashioned education of the less educated, and the cold of society for the unfortunate. The whole article is divided into two parts. The first part, the hotel guy said he was in charge of the store warm, monotonous and boring. “Treasurer is a fierce face, the customer is not a good tone, teaching people lively; only Kong Yiji have to shop, you can laugh a few times.” On the point that Kong Yi-chi is a source of laughter and joys, this portrayal of Kong Yiji has been made to let readers know. Although the portrayal is not limited to the one hand (counted Kong Yiji has been subjected to education, the process of life is getting worse and worse, the mood of the decadent and conceited, etc.), but not much ink, but also to see the little guy in the hotel What is heard is a range, and all are not out of the clues of “being amusing and merry.” The latter part is made of alcoholic drinks owed by Kong Yi-ji