一、福建省水资源政策的实施 水资源政策是国家为强化水资源统一规划、开发利用、保护及管理,推进水资源需求管理目标的实现,以适应国民经济发展和人民生活对水资源的需求而制定的政策、法规、规章、计划、规划等具体规范。福建省水资源政策的研究与制定在我国实行改革开放以来,特别是1988年《水法》颁布后,得到进一步重视并有长足发展。
I. Implementation of Water Resources Policy in Fujian Province The water resources policy is the realization of the goal of unified planning, development, utilization, protection and management of water resources and promotion of water resources demand management in order to meet the needs of national economy and people’s life for water resources The formulation of policies, regulations, rules, plans, plans and other specific specifications. Since the reform and opening up in our country, especially after the promulgation of “Water Law” in 1988, the research and formulation of water resources policy in Fujian Province have been given more attention and developed greatly.