长假宅在家?赶紧对这不靠谱的念头say no吧,长假可不是这么挥霍的。百十公里外的京郊有意想不到的美景,山的险峻、水的灵秀,配上动人的秋色,不出去走走多辜负这大好时光啊。水长城水陆汽车玩个够黄花城水长城因3段长城入水而得名,也被称为“乘船游览的长城”。由天然山泉水汇集而成的灏明湖水清澈见底,如同一颗绿宝石镶嵌在崇山峻岭之间,游人可乘坐画舫船畅游在碧波涟漪的灏明湖近距离观看长城绕湖畔的奇特景观,感受“舟行
Holiday home at home? Quickly do not fly on this idea say no bar, holiday is not so squandered. One hundred kilometers away from the unexpected beauty of the suburbs of Beijing, the steep mountains, the water’s splendid, coupled with touching Autumn, do not go out and live more to live up to this great time ah. Great Wall water and land car to play a Huanghuacheng Great Wall water because of the Great Wall into three sections named after the water, also known as the ”Great Wall of Boat Tour.“ From the natural spring water pool of Hao Ming lake crystal clear, like an emerald inlaid between the mountains, visitors can take a picture boat tour in the blue ripples of Hao Ming Lake watching the Great Wall around the lake near the strange landscape, feeling ”Boat trip