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六月十九日晚,首次来西安演出的河北省邯郸地区东风豫剧团,为了促进“中国唐代梨园纪念馆”的早日建成,由著名豫剧演员牛淑贤领衔义演了传统豫剧《玉奴怨》。陕西省文化文物厅、陕西省外办和纪念馆所在地的西安市未央宫乡的党政负责同志,以及新闻、戏剧界人士观看了演出。义演之前,中华梨园研究学会负责人、“中国唐代梨园纪念馆”筹建委员会负责人李尤白对东风豫剧团的高尚风格表示衷心感谢。他在讲话中论述了唐代梨园形成的渊源,介绍了纪念馆筹建的经过。他说,当我们发出筹建纪念馆的倡议后,在国内外引起强烈的反响。文化部及河南、甘肃、北京、天津、陕西、浙江宁波等省(市)的负责同志和文艺界知名人士二百余人纷纷表示赞 On the night of June 19, the Dongfeng Opera Troupe from Handan, Hebei province, who performed in Xi’an for the first time, performed the traditional Yu opera “Yu Nushan” led by famous opera actor Niu Shuxian in order to facilitate the early completion of the “Li Yuan Memorial Hall of Tang Dynasty in China”. Shaanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Office, Shaanxi Provincial Foreign Affairs Office and Memorial Hall in Xi’an Weiyang Gongyuan party and government responsible comrades, as well as news and theater people watched the show. Prior to the performance, Li Youbai, person in charge of the preparatory committee for the Pear Memorial Museum of China’s Tang Dynasty, who is in charge of the China Pear Research Society, expressed his sincere appreciation for the noble style of the Dongfeng Opera Troupe. In his speech, he discussed the origins of the pear garden in the Tang Dynasty and introduced the construction of the Memorial Hall. He said that when we sent out an initiative to build a memorial hall, it aroused strong repercussions at home and abroad. More than 200 responsible officials of the Ministry of Culture and prominent figures in the literary and art circles of Henan, Gansu, Beijing, Tianjin, Shaanxi and Zhejiang Ningbo provinces and municipalities have praised
天空白云漫飘浮,湖边稻秧随风摆。鱼儿戏水翻浪花,长竿俏探笑等待。 Floating sky and white clouds, the lake rice seedlings swinging in the wind. Fish flip flops, l
我作为巩义市钓协秘书长,时刻都惦记着如何使钓鱼爱好者们有地方钓鱼,并有鱼可钓。而巩义市钓场缺乏,钓友们又不愿到养鱼塘去钓。 正在为难之际,读到2001年第二期《中国钓鱼
截至 2 0 0 2年底 ,广西公路总里程突破 6万km ,2 0 0 2年全区新增公路里程近 5 6 76km。2 0 0 2年广西公路建设继续保持强劲势头 ,里程快速增长 ,路网通达深度进一步提高 ,全面
近日闲读古籍,发现了一则因为不会演讲而导致亡国的故事。 公元576年,北周讨伐北齐,攻城掠镇,锐不可当,直捣北齐京城邺。北齐国主高纬,下令“重赏招募战士”。虽然战士被招