福建闽北有悠久的新兴版画创作历史,二十世纪三十年代初,中国抗战时期延安的一大批版画家长期在闽北开展创作活动,从此在闽北大地上播撒下了版画艺术的种子。 1994年,闽北松溪县为弘扬古老的湛卢文化,秉承古代建州刻版印刷的遗风和抗战时期延安版画家的创作精神,开始了群众版画创作活动。一批作品相继在全国获奖,并形成了积厚的版画创作群众基础,有三十多位骨干作者和近千名农民、中小学生爱好者的版画群体。松溪版画形成融地方乡土气息、浓郁时代精神、鲜明的版种特色于一体的创作
Fujian Northern Fujian has a long history of emerging prints. In the early 1930s, a large number of painters in Yan’an in China’s war of resistance against Japan carried out creative activities in northern Fujian for a long time and sowed the seeds of print art on the earth in northern Fujian. In 1994, Songxi County in northern Fujian began to promote the culture of Zhanlu, adhering to the legacy of ancient Zhouzhou engraving and the creative spirit of the Yan’an painters in the War of Resistance Against Japan. A group of works have won prizes in the whole country one after another, and formed a thick mass print creation mass foundation, with more than thirty backbone authors and nearly a thousand peasants and primary and secondary school students’ printmaking groups. Songxi print melts local flavor, rich spirit of the times, distinctive version of the characteristics of one of the creation