我们这座山城,有许多人防坑道工事,又有大量的木屑、刨花等废弃物,很适合发展食用菌生产。为此,我们于1982年进行了坑道工事栽滑菇试验,取得了较好的效果,平均每箱(30×50×10cm)产菇3.3斤。现将我们的做法简介如下: (一)选择适宜栽期:据测定,坑道工事,寒冷干燥季节,关闭口部大门,温度可控制在9℃以上,空气相对湿度在63%以上;炎热潮湿季节,敞开口部大门,温度在15℃上下,空气相对湿度高达93%。
In this mountain town, there are many people who work on tunnels and a large number of wastes such as sawdust, shavings, etc., which are very suitable for the development of mushroom production. To this end, we carried out in 1982 Pitot Plant mushroom plankt, and achieved good results, an average of 3.3 kg per box (30 × 50 × 10cm). Now our approach is as follows: (a) choose suitable planting date: It is measured, tunnel work, cold and dry season, close the mouth of the door, the temperature can be controlled at above 9 ℃, air relative humidity above 63%; hot and humid season , Open the mouth of the door, the temperature at 15 ℃ up and down, the air relative humidity as high as 93%.