5月 ★今天是’94CCTV快棋赛决赛日,由病愈复出的“钝刀”钱宇平挑战“神算子”马晓春。 午后,我早早赶到中国棋院采访本次赛事。二楼演播厅有工作人员在忙碌,除此以外,一片宁静,这是大赛前特有的气氛。这时,从楼梯走下一个中年人。我不经意地望了一眼,竟然愣住了,那张脸在我的记忆中分明很熟悉。有的人,有的事可以很快地淡忘,但有些人、有些事却被长久地留在内心深处。 “江铸久!”我下意识地喊了一声,那人停下了,果然是他!曾为中国围棋的崛起写过光荣,写过辉煌,最终又无奈出国离乡,几年来杳无音讯的江铸久! 他微笑着走过来,那笑容中似乎有一丝惊讶,我却仍盯着他的脸。有位哲人说过,一个人的所有经历都写在脸上。那一瞬间,我读懂了两个字:沧
May ★ Today is ’94 CCTV fast game finals day, recovered from the “blunt knife” Qian Yu-ping challenge “god operator” Ma Xiaochun. In the afternoon, I arrived at the Chinese Chess House early to interview this event. On the second floor studio staff are busy, in addition, a quiet, pre-competition atmosphere. At this time, a middle-aged man walked down the stairs. I glanced inadvertently, even shocked, that face in my memory clearly very familiar. Some people can forget something quickly, but some people have long been left in their hearts. “Jiang cast a long time!” I subconsciously shouted, the man stopped, he turned out to be! Has been written for the rise of China Go glorious, wrote a brilliant, and ultimately helpless go abroad, a few years no news Jiangzhu long! He smiled and came in, a smile seemed to be a hint of surprise, but I still stared at his face. One philosopher said that all the experiences of a man are written on his face. That moment, I read the two words: Cang