修水县现有门球队56支,经常参加活动的达400多人。县城有球场13块, 其中晚晴乐园内的是一块五个球场连成一片的场地,为开展门球比赛提供了有利条件。一、由县门协主办的比赛项目1.“长寿杯”门球赛,一年举办一次,至今已持续了十年。参赛的对象包括了镇球队在内,一般有50至54支; 采取分甲、乙、丙级三个组进行升降级比赛。经费来源主要是协会个人会员和球队团体会员的会费,其次是单位和企业的赞助。
Xiu County existing gate team 56, often participating in activities of more than 400 people. There are 13 stadiums in the county seat, of which, there is a piece of venues connected together by five golf courses in the late Qingliu Park, which provides favorable conditions for the gateball match. First, the competition sponsored by the county door project 1 “longevity cup” gateball match, held once a year, has lasted for ten years. Participating objects include the town team, including 50 to 54 generally; to take points A, B, C three groups to upgrade the game. The main source of funding is the membership of the association’s individual members and team members, followed by units and businesses sponsorship.