【摘 要】
在我国省级电视台和骨干台普遍使用北京广播器材厂生产的10kW米波段彩色电视发射机。现将检修工作中碰到的一些故障摘记如下,供各台参考。 1.图象镶边由于图象镶边和重影在
在我国省级电视台和骨干台普遍使用北京广播器材厂生产的10kW米波段彩色电视发射机。现将检修工作中碰到的一些故障摘记如下,供各台参考。 1.图象镶边由于图象镶边和重影在屏幕上表现出来的
In China’s provincial television stations and backbone units commonly used in Beijing Broadcasting Equipment Factory produced 10kW m-band color TV transmitters. Now some of the problems encountered in the maintenance work abridged as follows for reference. 1. The image is striped on the screen due to the image of the edges and ghosting
Due to fluxoid quantization,the kinetic energy of superconducting electrons in an ultrathin doubly-connected cylinder increases as the cylinder diameter dec
Here we report the observation of pressure-induced superconductivity in Ca10(Pt3As8)(Fe2As2)5(the “10-3-8 phase”),a compound of significant current intere
故障现象:NV 450/250录象机放象时在监视器屏上只能看到3/5的图象,行场同步基本稳定,而其余2/5处全是噪点,仔细观看时,能发现噪点内有很模糊的图象。将该机录象后的磁带用其
摘要:生活化的品德与社会教育能够帮助学生探索世界,正确认识社会。因此,老师要深入挖掘生活中的思想品德教育因素,将教材与学生生活紧密联系;增加课外实践活动,让小学生可以在真实的生活中学习知识,掌握技能;创设生活化的情境,利用品德与社会课堂,让学生完成情感体验。 关键词:小学中高年级;品德社会;生活化;教学 一、挖掘生活中的思品素材 现在的小学生与过去的学生不同,他们从小接触网络,能够了解大量的
NaFeAs is a quasi-2D pnictide parent compound with a weak magnetic moment and separate structural and antiferromagnetic transitions.
The emergence of superconductivity in the iron pnictide or cuprate high temperature superconductors usually accompanies the suppression of a long-ranged ant
A series of high quality NaFe1-xCuxAs single crystals has been grown by a self-flux technique,which were systematically characterized via structural,transpo